Tuesday, October 30, 2012


That is what I have done for two days y'all.  Nothing.  And it's been awesome.  I can't even say I'm ashamed.
I'm so tired here lately!  I think my sleep schedule is out of whack.  It's just so hard for me to get in bed at a decent hour.  Probably because I'm not doing much of anything!  It's a vicious cycle.
I'm going to try and get off the couch tonight and go walking, hopefully with a friend!  I really, really want to get in better shape.  I have a lot of pounds to lose.  Isn't it amazing how a bad relationship ends up being weight on your body?  Its crazy!  I totally let myself go.  Oh well, you live, you learn.  I won't ever do that again.  Hopefully my future husband doesn't like to fry everything he cooks.

I wonder if there is anything natural I can take to help my thyroid?  I'm convinced that I have a thyroid problem.  My mom and my sisters both do, and I just think I do, too.
Speaking of my mom, she is having her long awaited surgery in the morning.  I'm so ready for that to be over with and I know she is as well.  The doctor will be putting stints in her kidneys, so everyone say a prayer that everything goes okay.  Can't live without my mama, y'all!
Is it bad that I have my Christmas tree up already?  I haven't decorated it yet, but it's up and I've been enjoying just having a lighted tree up, it's so pretty!
Btw, I'm watching Paula Dean grill pineapple and it looks sooooo yummy.
I really want a new crockpot, mine is orange because it's that old...it was made when orange was cool the first time.
And also, I watched a video the other night about how meat companies use glue to bind bits and pieces of meat together and it ends up looking like a steak.  Even a butcher couldn't tell the difference between it, and a real piece of steak.  Disgusting!    I'm pretty sure I am becoming a vegetarian.  I just can't handle not knowing what goes into our bodies.  I think that is the cause of a lot of the diseases people have nowadays.
Also, anyone else watched any videos about the illuminati?  I've been watching videos on YouTube and looking stuff up.  I'm totally fascinated by it!

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