Sunday, October 21, 2012

I'm still alive.

My friend Anne started a new blog today, and it reminded me that one time last year, I started a blog. I'm not sure why I ever quit writing on here.  Maybe it's the fear that nobody reads it.  Maybe I felt like it was a waste of time.  So here is what I've decided to do:
Stop caring if anybody reads it.
Write no matter what.

Do you remember in the movie The Notebook, when Ali tells Noah, after they reunited, that she doesn't paint anymore?  She always loved painting.  That's how I feel about writing.  When I was a little kid, you couldn't hardly get my nose out of whatever book I was reading.  I used to dream about writing a book, and used to make up stories and then hide them because I was terrified someone would find it and make fun of me.  Why did I ever stop writing?   I by no means think that I'm a great writer, and for anybody who IS a great writer and they read my blog, well...they may be cringing as we speak.
But I don't care.
I'm going to write, and hopefully the two people on this planet that enjoy reading about my life will not get bored with it.
Here is what has happened in the past year...
Me and Jimmy broke up.  I'm almost finished with school.  I've fostered two dogs and had two totally different experiences.
But the most important thing that has happened this year is the fact that I've grown up.  Yep.  I no longer feel like a little kid that's playing grown ups.  I'm actually an adult, and I feel like one.  I've had a lot of life experiences, and I'm proud to say that I've grown from them.  I really have!  I will be writing more about some of the crap I've learned.  Life is hard!
And FYI, I will still be writing about my dogs.  They are still entertaining and funny.  Here is just a sneak peak of the kind of stuff you are in store for:  today Mikey ate one of my panty liners out of the trash.  He swallowed it whole, and then vomited it up, whole.  It was amazing.


  1. I see you got something figured out, even after I abandoned you for Walking Dead and passed out. I still can't talk. I LOVE your blog and reading about your life...who's the other person? ;-)

  2. I have no idea, the other person is just wishful thinking, ha!
