Monday, July 18, 2011

No, he can't have CHOCOLATE!!!!!

Dogs are allergic to chocolate.  How many times have you heard this?  I've heard it over and over again my whole life.  People just absolutely freak out if they think you are about to give a dog ANYTHING that has even the tiniest amount of chocolate in it. 
The truth is, chocolate IS dangerous to dogs, in large amounts.  If your dog eats one m&m, chances are he/she will be fine.  If he eats a whole bag, then he might get sick.
What we do NOT hear is how many other foods are extremely poisonous to our furry friends.  Chocolate is not the only food that they don't need to eat.  Did you know that onions are toxic to dogs?  What about grapes and raisins, stems from a tomatoe, the eye of a potatoe, and sometimes lunchmeat?
One night my boyfriend was making something using avacado.  One tiny sliver of avacado fell in the kitchen floor and my toy poodle, Jordan, ate it before we could even think about picking it up!  She pretty much projectile vomited four about two hours afterwards.  Obviously, she was fine afterwards.  But when I did a little bit of research I found that avacados are toxic to dogs, and her reaction was totally normal.
Lunchmeat seems to be a favorite of dogs, and its pretty easy to pick off of your sandwhich when you have those big puppy dog eyes staring at you.  It can have bad, bad consuquences.  One tiny piece of lunchmeat can cause your dog to have a bacterial infection, which nobody wants. 
There are lots of things that are dogs shouldn't eat, besides just chocolate.  I'm a firm believer that whether your dog gets human food is your preference, but some things are okay and some things are not.  If you just can't say no to your baby, then do a little research so you know what to say yes to.

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