Sunday, November 27, 2011

It's been a while...

It's been forever!  As always, life gets in the way of taking time to write about my puppy dogs, and other things. 
The dogs are doing great.  Kate is undoubtedly the BEST dog in the WHOLE world.  She is absolutely perfect.  We did have a situation not long after she got out of "jail" where we were outside, and she saw someone across the road that had a dog, and she decided to take off after them.  I had to chase her, and the ground was wet because there was dew on the grass and I slipped out of my flip flops as I was running.  She really felt bad afterwards, and now as soon as I do the "kissy noise" she hauls butt to come back to me no matter what she is doing.  Other than THAT, she is a princess.  She doesn't get on my furniture without asking, she doesn't bark, etc, etc.  I just LOVE her.  She and the poodles don't play yet, but they all like to snuggle together which I think is just precious.
Is it sad that I dream about the day that I can have my OWN house, so that I can put ceramic tile and/or hardwood floor throughout the WHOLE house so that not only will it be easier to clean, but I will be able to get more dogs without feeling bad...?   =D  Hehehehe
I can't wait for school to be out.  I'm totally stressing out about graduating next year because I need to find a real job asap.  Last night at work I had not one, but TWO perverts call me and try to get me to talk about my personal life.  Wtc?  (Ok, if Kate were wearing pants, I would swear that she just crapped in them, holy moly, she is S-T-I-N-K-Y).
Also, I want to post a link to a website that I found that goes along with the bible studying that I've been doing.  God gave us a brain people, he wants us to  use it.

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