I think they are cute! It took us a long time to get it right, but we watched a few YouTube videos and finally got it down pat! I can't wait to do it with Christmas colors.
Also, Thursday night I did spray tan for the first time. I remember when I was in high school and people would do it and it looked SO orange, and it would cake up on their hands and toes. Well, it's evolved quite a bit since then. I totally look like I've been on the tanning bed. They give you lotion to rub into your hands and feet so it doesn't cake up, and it worked. It's kinda like how I'm now wearing fake lashes everyday thanks to my sister, I will never be able to not wear lashes, and I feel like I can never go back to not doing spray tan. I hope this doesn't make me a diva. I could be perfectly fine wearing sweat pants and no makeup for the rest of my life, I just wana have pretty lashes and a fake tan while I'm doing it!
Last Friday I had an interview at Barnes and Noble, and I seriously walked outta that place thinking "This will be such a fun job! I wonder how soon I will start?" We'll, guess what? They never called me. That bugs the crap out of me! Why? I want to call them and ask them why they haven't called me, but is that rude? I know it sounds like I'm being dramatic, but I interviewed with two women, and both interviews we just talked each others heads off and they seemed very impressed with me and seemed to genuinely like me. I know how conceited this sounds, but it seemed to go so awesome that its hard for me to believe that they found someone they liked better than me. I hate having that feeling! What did that other person do that I didn't? And why did I walk out of there so confident, having the vibe that everything went amazing, if it really didn't? It's a total reality check, like, maybe I'm not as in tune with people as I thought I am. If I'm not careful, I completely start second guessing myself and doing some over analizing. It just bugs me. I'm sure other people have gone through the same thing...I was just so pumped to work there! Maybe they will call me Monday...gotta be optimistic! :)
I'm supposed to go to a singles small group at a local church tonight at five. I went last week, and there were only three of us there. Isn't that sad? But im hoping more people will find out about it and come check it out! It would be nice to meet a guy, but it's actually just nice to meet with other people over the age of 25 that are single...male OR female. It's nice to talk about your experiences and get another persons point of view, and discuss ways to nip things in the bud before they ever become problems. I think I will learn a lot!
Have a good 'un!