For some reason, I can not convince myself that this is the last week of school and I need to study. There are several reasons for this:
1. It's the end of the semester, and I'm burnt out.
2. There is always something really interesting on t.v.
3. If I'm not sitting around thinking about my own problems, I'm sitting around thinking about my friends problems.
Anytime I think about complaining about my life, whether out loud or to myself, I think about what other people are going through. If my friends have heard me say it once, they've heard me say it a million times..."it could always be worse". And it could. I know it could. I'm tired of being in college. I'm tired of worrying about what kind of job I'll get with my "liberal arts" degree (History), and I'm tired of wondering what the next step is that God wants me to take. I'm a pretty laid back person, I'm not a worrier like a lot of other people are. I know that God is 100% in control, and although I don't always show it, and even though sometimes I catch myself not trusting Him, I know that He IS in control and I believe this helps me have a pretty calm demeanor and helps me to not stress about things like other people do. I'm pretty thankful that I have this mindset. I try and stay positive and find a balance between taking it one day at a time, and also planning for the future. There are certain things that will happen in our life that we have ZERO control over, so why worry about it? Sometimes, every once in a while, I lose my mind, and usually my boyfriend Jimmy is the recipient of this craziness. He doesn't handle it very well (sorry Jimmy), BUT, he always, always, always forgives me. All I have to say is "I'm sorry" and he instantly forgives me and he never brings it up again. Why can't I do that? We should all do that.
The doggies are all doing good. They keep me sane! Their daddy has introduced them to a new snack: mini marshmellows. They go CRAZY over them! I know, I know...they aren't good for them. But fried chicken strips, french fries, and milkshakes aren't good for me either. We only live once. I love seein' those wittle bitty tales wag over marshymelloths!
BTW, Kate is still perfect.
Does anybody know of any good wedding websites other than theknot? I have informed Jimmy I think we should get married next December. We'll see!
Also...for anybody who likes to do bible study, try these out: you can watch videos on your computer of his bible study he does each day. this guys teachings go along with Dr Arnold Murray.
Peace nga!